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    You deserve to be happy and satisfied with your life.

    Think of a car. Do you take it for an oil change? If the car is making a funny sound, do you take it to a mechanic? What happens if you keep driving the car with out an oil change or just hoping the sound will go away? Not good.

    Counseling helps our lives run well. It is the oil change. Counselors are professional mechanics for the issues in life that come up. We help our clients find ways to feel better, live happier and resolve issues.

    In our practice, people are usually in pain from:

    • a recent break up or divorce
    • feeling lost or confused
    • anxious or depressed
    • lonely
    • low self esteem
    • infidelity
    • dating issues
    • trauma or assault
    • career cross roads
    • relationship drama
    • feeling ‘crazy’ and doubting themselves

    Our team of highly trained professionals are experts in mental health, we use research based skills and have enough personal and professional life experience to know how to help our clients.

    When you are ready, give us a call!